
Monday, November 28, 2011

Untangling Christmas!

Wow, I'm really not very good at this blogging thing.  Months go by and I seem to forget I even have a blog however, there are many blogs that I love to follow daily.  Anyway, I guess it's that time of year again.  The time of year that I know I should be happy and thankful and festive but I always end up being grouchy and crabby and so stressed out I don't know what to do with myself.  Hey, I'm being honest.  Actually, I love what Christmas means, what it stands for and Who it's all about but I let myself get sucked into the "world's" idea of Christmas and that is when I find myself sinking into the "bah humbug" attitude.  
Well, as I was looking through all the blogs that I follow I happened to stumble upon this book that I am going to have to read.  It looks fantastic and hopefully it will help me focus a little more on the real meaning of Christmas.  I"m also planning on reading our church's daily advent Scripture passages for the the month to help keep me focused.  Here is a link to the new book titled Untangling Christmas.  Sounds like just the book I need.

Oh yeah, I am working on a little Christmas project and if I ever finish it I'll be posting that later on.  I hope you take a look at the book and join me this year in slowing down and focusing on CHRISTmas!