
Friday, March 18, 2011

Jumping on the Bandwagon!

Well, I decided to finally jump on the bandwagon and start a blog.  Jumping on any kind of "bandwagon" doesn't really appeal to me.  I'd rather not follow the crowd just for the sake of it and  writing is not really my thing. I like to keep my thoughts to myself unless I'm sharing them with family or close friends.  I'm the girl who likes to play it safe!! So, why did I decide to start this crazy obsession (which I've been told that it can quickly become)?  
Actually, I've been thinking about starting one for quite a while but just haven't really had the time to sit down and get one set up (not to mention I'm a little intimidated by the whole thing).  I've also been following some really creative ladies on other blogs and love what they have to share.  Many of them do blog hops, and what fun would it be if I didn't have a blog of my own?  Oh yeah, AND I actually won something from following a blog and leaving a comment. I was so excited about it that I decided now is the time to take the plunge.  
So whether or not anyone is interested in what I have to share, here I go.  Hopefully someone will like what they see and if not, oh well.  I'll mostly be sharing things that I've made myself or that someone else has made and I absolutely love.  I really like gardening and baking so those things may slip in every once in a while too.  Well, I guess I better get started.  Hope you enjoy!!!  

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I saw your comment on my blog hop and had to come visit your site and leave you your first comment. Jen's Craft Corner just started less than 6 months ago and I have learned so much about blogging. Here's some advice to get started: Join as many challenges as you can. This will also advertise your site. I am on a design team for Birthday Sundaes. They post a new challenge every Sunday. If you want a list of challeges for each day of the week, send me an email and I can send it to you. Leave comments on other blogs. People look at these too and it is another way to advertise your site. Try to get into some blog hops. I got a ton of hits on my site yesterday and a lot of new followers. Not to mention the sweet comments and the nice emails people sent me. I wish you the best of luck on your new site. Please email me if I can be of help to you. CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU! I hope your blog brings you tons of fun and much inspiration.
